
In 2000 for the final assessment of her Certificate IV in Training and Assessing, Anne Russell developed a complete training package on FASD.  She was successful in obtaining her qualification in this field but the package was placed in her office drawer and didnt see the light of day until almost 10 years later. 

In 2010, Anne again realised that training in FASD would be the most important aspect of any work she could do in the FASD space so harnessed the expertise within rffada and around the world and gained consensus that the training she had developed was accurate, consistent and professional. 

If you would like training delivered anywhere in Australia, the rffada has contacts in various parts of the country.  These trainers are guaranteed to have accurate, up to date information about FASD. 

Further, Anne Russell delivers her own training with a unique perspective, providing examples of the various symptoms from her own experience with her children both of whom have given permission for her to do this.  This personal experience fleshes out the clinical information and research she has undertaken since 2000.  There is no one else in Australia delivering training in FASD who has this combination of experience.  She has co-authoried studies, participated in research, delivered at conferences around the world, raised two children with FASD, obtained diagnosis of both children in Canada, developed training and written books on the subject.  Her network of professionals around the world has helped the people who have come to her for information.  Anne has also delivered training in many remote communities in the Northern Territory and Queensland and has been able to connect with the participants as she discloses she is a birth mother, providing support and a non-judgemental perspective for other mothers who may feel shame about their situation.

Email Anne at [email protected] for her schedule of programs.